PT Pertamina (Persero) opening the career opportunity for Indonesian best candidates to become the Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer Focused, Capable and Commercial Pertamina Renewable Energy, through Pertamina Job Fairs. Pertamina Job Fair 2013 events scheduled as follows:
Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS)
- Minimum GPA 3.00.
- Possess Bachelor degree with minimum accreditation score B.
- Maximum age 27 years old in 2013.
- Sound mind and body.
- Minimum English Score from Trusted Institution: TOEFL: PBT (450) / IBT (45) / IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 500.
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Bebas NAPZA (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances).
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Cakap Kelakuan (SKCK).
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed throughout the PT Pertamina (Persero) operational area.
Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA)
- Minimum GPA 2.75.
- Diploma 3 graduate with minimum accreditation score B.
- Maximum age 25 years old in 2013.
- Sound mind and body.
- Minimum English Score from Trusted Institution: TOEFL: PBT (350) / IBT (30) / IELTS 4.5 / TOEIC 350.
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Bebas NAPZA (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances).
- Copy of Surat Keterangan Cakap Kelakuan (SKCK).
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed throughout the PT Pertamina (Persero) operational area.
Required Documents
- Copy of latest National ID Card (KTP).
- Updated CV.
- 4 × 6 color photo 2 pieces.
- Legalized copy of Diploma 3 / Bachelor degree diploma and transcripts.
- Copy of English Certificate (TOEFL / IELTS / TOEIC).
- Attached a Surat Keterangan Bebas NAPZA (Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Additif).
- Attached Surat Keterangan Cakap Kelakuan (SKCK).
- Bring the documents to Pertamina Job Fair 2013 events.
Should you be interested please come and register yourself to Pertamina Job Fair 2013 events as listed below. PT Pertamina (Persero) only invite the best candidates to follow the selection test. The decision to call the applicants and determining selection test result is the authority of PT Pertamina (Persero), and can not be contested. In the selection process, PT Pertamina (Persero) does not serve the correspondence and never charging for any fee. The Fresh Graduate Psychological Test invitations is only through official email and institutions which has been cooperate with PT Pertamina (Persero). For further information please call Pertamina Contact Center (021) 500 000 or pcc[at]