PT. PJB Services (called PJB Services) is a power plant operation & maintenance services company which is a subsidiary of PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PT PJB) or grandchild company PT. PLN (Persero). Currently PJB Services open career opportunities for Diploma 3 graduate and Bachelor degree candidates who likes the challenges, willing to work hard and willing to be placed throughout company's working / project area to join our company as Engineering and Non Engineering Staff:
Officer Development Program (ODP)
Academic Qualifications
Bachelor Degree
- Male, majoring in:
- Electrical Engineering - Powerline / Electricity (Code: SEK)
- Electrical Engineering - Low Current / Electronics / Instrument / Physics (Code: SEL)
- Mechanical Engineering (Code: SME)
- Chemical Engineering (Code: SKI)
- Civil Engineering (Code: STS)
- Industrial Engineering (Code: STI)
- Male or female, majoring in:
- Enviromental Engineering (Code: STL)
- Informatics Engineering (Code: SIN)
- Law (Code: SHU)
Diploma 3
- Male, majoring in:
- Electrical Engineering - Powerline / Electricity (Code: DEK)
- Electrical Engineering - Low Current / Electronics / Instrument / (Code: DEL)
- Mechanical Engineering (Code: DME)
- Chemical Engineering (Code: DKI)
- Informatics Engineering (Code: DIN)
- Management / Industrial (Code: DTI)
- Accounting (Code: DAK)
- Administration (Code: DAD)
General Qualifications
- Maximum 30 years old for Bachelor degree (born in 1983 or thereafter), and maximum 27 years old for Diploma 3 graduate (born in 1986 or thereafter)
- Minimum GPA 2.70
- Preferably not married, and willing not to get married during On The Job Training for 1 year
- Minimum height 160 cms for male and 155 cms for female, with proportional weight
- Sound mind and body
- Not tattooed and pierced
- For a bespectacled candidate, tolerance up to 4 diopters
- Able-bodied
- Free from illegal drugs
Required Documents
- A valid National ID Card (KTP) in .pdf format
- Family Card in .pdf format
- Birth Certificate / Surat Kenal Lahir in .pdf format
- Education diploma and transcript in .pdf format
- A valid and legalized Police Notes (SKCK) in .pdf format
- Recent colour photograph in .jpg format
- Statement Letter on Rp. 6000 duty stamp (form attached) in .pdf format
- Medical Certificate from doctor or hospital in .pdf format
Requitment Stages
- Documents Screening
- Academic and English Test
- Psychological Test
- Interview
- Medical Check-Up
Should you be interested and meet the requirements above please download application procedure at link below. Closing date November 6, 2013. The selection process is free of charge.